Between Cut and Action
As a drama coach in LA, I dialogue with performing artists every day. We talk about what is meaningful to them and why we do what we do. ...This podcast asks filmmakers, actors, singers and dancers about how they got started, what keeps them inspired between gigs, and how they stay focused on stage or on set between cut and action. www.ShelleyMitchell.org
Podcasting since 2021 • 14 episodes
Between Cut and Action
Latest Episodes
Talking with Angels, Dialogues 15,16,17
Talking with Angels audiobook (5th edition, Daimon Verlag)transmitted by Hanna Dallos •transcribed by Gitta Mallasznarrated by Shelley Mitchelloriginal music by Litha AshforthTalking with Angels audiobook: Dialogues 15,16,17...

Talking with Angels, Dialogues 13 and 14
Talking with Angels audiobook (5th edition, Daimon Verlag)transmitted by Hanna Dallos •transcribed by Gitta Mallasznarrated by Shelley Mitchelloriginal music by Litha AshforthTalking with Angels audiobook: Dialogues 13 and `...

Talking with Angels audiobook 10, 11 and 12
Talking with Angels audiobook (5th edition, Daimon Verlag)transmitted by Hanna Dallos •transcribed by Gitta Mallasznarrated by Shelley Mitchelloriginal music by Litha AshforthTalking with Angels audiobook: Dialogues 10, 11 a...